Cd-Ctti-151-Sgrh/2024 | Position As Adjunct Professor

Detalhes da Vaga

Organisation/Company: Escola Superior de Design, Gestão e Tecnologias da Produção de Aveiro - Norte da Universidade de Aveiro

Research Field: Computer science » Informatics

Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)

Positions: PhD Positions

Country: Portugal

Application Deadline: 4 Nov 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

Type of Contract: Permanent

Job Status: Full-time

Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? Not funded by a EU programme

Reference Number: CD-CTTI-151-SGRH/2024

Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No

Offer Description
CD-CTTI-151-SGRH/2024 - Doctor Paulo Jorge dos Santos Gonçalves Ferreira, Full Professor and Rector at the University of Aveiro, hereby announces that for a period of thirty business days starting on the first business day following after which this notice is published, by extractive notice, in the Diário da República, an international public competition is opened, for the recruitment of 1 (one) position as Adjunct Professor in the subject area of Informatics , subarea of Software and its Engineering , aiming the development of a technological area that promotes the transformation of products, companies and services for a digital era, under an employment contract for an indefinite period under the Portuguese Labour Code.

The present Competition was opened on 01 of August, 2024 by order of the Rector of the University of Aveiro, is governed by the provisions of regulation on the careers of teaching staff in private law at the University of Aveiro and related hiring (regulation 384/2014, of 26 August), Career Statute of Teachers of the Polytechnic Schools of Higher Learning, hereinafter CSTPSHL, approved by Decree-Law No. 185/81 of 1 July, as amended by Decree-Law No. 69/88, 3 March with the new wording introduced by Decree-Law No. 207/2009 of 31 August, as amended by Law No. 7/2010 of 13 May, and by the applicable legislation and norms.

1— Admission requirements:

A requisite for admission to the tender in accordance with Article 17 of the Career Statute of Teachers of the Polytechnic Schools of Higher Learning, hereinafter CSTPSHL, determines that the applicant must have a PhD or the title of expert in the area or related areas to the one for which the tender is opened.

Applicants with qualifications obtained abroad must provide proof of recognition, equivalence or registration of a PhD degree, by a Portuguese higher education institution, in accordance with the applicable legislation. This formality must be fulfilled by the date of expiry of the application deadline.

2 — Applications requirements:

The Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

Application minute for the competition addressed to the Rector of the University of Aveiro;

Detailed curriculum vitae containing all of the pertinent information for the assessment of the applicant considering the items of evaluation of point 4 of the present notice, recommending that it be organized according to the assessment criteria detailed in point 5;

Copies of papers selected by the applicant as being most representative of their curriculum vitae , no more than five;

Presentation of a single document containing the justification of the papers selected in the previous paragraph;

Report on the technical-scientific, professional, pedagogical and other activities considered relevant to the mission of the higher education institutions, focusing in particular on the papers that he has selected as being more representative;

Scientific-pedagogical project: Document that allows to sustain a future mission letter that must include a proposal of activities that the candidate intends to develop during the first five years of activity as an Adjunct Professor, explaining how one can contribute to the progress and development of the disciplinary area for which the competition is open in the scientific, pedagogical, and cooperation with society aspects;

Document that objectively highlights the number of citations (if applicable) of publications listed in the curriculum and explanation of the method used to count the citations with enough detail so that the jury is able to reproduce the procedure in accordance with point 5;

Any other elements that the applicant deems relevant or the assessment of his or her merits.

The curriculum vitae should contain:

Full name of the candidate;

Document proving position, group or subject, service time as staff member and the name of the University or Polytechnic Institution to which the applicant belongs, whenever applicable;

Specialization pertaining to the area in which the Competition was opened;

Copy of the certificate with the respective classification or other document that is legally recognized for the same effect. Applicants who hold a doctor's degree obtained abroad, must provide proof of recognition, equivalence or registration of a PhD degree, by a Portuguese higher education institution, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Documents proving all of the elements mentioned in subsections b), c) and d) of point 2.3.

Candidates belonging to the University of Aveiro are dismissed from presenting the documents mentioned in items b), c) and d) of point 2.3, as long as these documents are included in their individual file.

How to present the application:

The application may be presented in Portuguese or in English and handed in via email to the Human Resource Department of the University of Aveiro (******), by the deadline stipulated in this Notice. The Services will issue a message proving the electronic validation of the same.

When formalizing the application, if a classified document is submitted that reveals a commercial or industrial secret; a secret relative to the literary, artistic, or scientific property; or that requires confidentiality, the candidate must identify the document with this information, under penalty of the work in question being unrestrictedly accessed by any of the other candidates, when consulting the file.

Non-compliance with the deadline for submission of the application, as well as failure to submit or late submission of the documents, referred in points 2.1, a) to g), will lead to the disqualification of the application. Candidates will be notified of the exclusion decision by e-mail, for the purposes of the hearing of interested parties, in accordance with Articles 121 et seq. of the Administrative Procedure Code.

The jury may, whenever they see fit, request that the applicants' hand in additional documents with regards to the curriculum vitae and set a deadline for the effect.

The jury will may, whenever it deems it necessary, hold public hearings of the admitted candidates.

The tender jury consist of the following:

President: Doctor Paulo Jorge dos Santos Gonçalves Ferreira, Professor and Rector of the University of Aveiro.

Jury members: Doctor João Paulo Mestre Pinheiro Ramos e Barros, Coordinator Professor of School of Technology and Management of Polytechnic Institute of Beja; Doctor Ana Maria Dias Madureira Pereira, Coordinator Professor of Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto of Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Doctor Ricardo Filipe Gonçalves Martinho, Coordinator Professor of School of Technology and Management of Leiria Polytechnical Institute; Doctor Diogo Nuno Pereira Gomes, Associate Professor of the University of Aveiro; Doctor José Martinho Marques de Oliveira, Coordinator Professor of School of Design, Management and Production Technologies of the University of Aveiro.

4 — Admission and exclusion of applications:

Approval on absolute merit:

The admission of candidates is subject to your approval on merit, based on the merits of the overall curriculum candidates in the disciplinary area of competition, taking into account, cumulatively, and compliance with at least one of the following requirements:

The applicant is the author or co-author of at least 5 articles in the subject area that the competition is open, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics where document type = article or document type = review, or in the SCI Verse Scopus with the same characteristics;

Have obtained a total of at least 70 citations (excluding self-citations) to the scientific works produced in the disciplinary area for which the contest is open;

Have an index h, according to SCOPUS or Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics, of at least 5, relative to the scientific works produced in the disciplinary area for which the competition is open.

Candidates must prove that they meet the above requirements (4.1.1 to 4.1.3), indicating the key to be used in the search for Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics or SCI Verse of Scopus, that proves it, or including in their CV listing of the same database that confirms it.

Methods and items for assessment:

The method of selection is the assessment of the curriculum which aims to assess the applicant's technical-scientific, professional performance, pedagogic skills and performance in other activities relevant to the mission of higher education institutions.

In the assessment of the curriculum the following items are mandatorily considered and pondered in accordance with the requirements of the functions corresponding to the position to be filled with the present competition:

The technical-scientific and professional performance of the applicant in the subject area that the competition is open;

The pedagogic capacity of the applicant in the subject area that the competition is open;

Other relevant activities;

Scientific-pedagogical project.

In assessing the items referred to in 4.3.2 (a), (b) and (c), the extent of the curriculum of the candidates should be taken into account and the activity developed in the last five 10 (ten) years and will represent 50% of the assessment in each of these areas.

5 — Assessment criteria

In applying the items of assessment mentioned in the previous point the following criteria are assessed, to which the indicated weighting factors are attributed.

Criteria for assessing Technical-Scientific and Professional Performance

Technical-scientific production. Quality and quantity of technical-scientific production in the area that the competition is open (books, magazine articles, communications in congresses) expressed by the number and type of publications, and the recognition given by the scientific community (the quality of the location where it has been published and the references made by other authors) or by professional associations.

Participation in scientific projects. Quality and quantity of scientific projects in which the applicant has participated in the area for which the competition is open, funded on a competitive basis by public funds, through national or international agencies or financed by companies. In the evaluation of the quality must consider the obtained financing, the degree of demand of the competition, the evaluations of the projects carried out and the prototypes made, in particular if they have been sequenced in products or services.

Intervention in the scientific and professional community. Assessing the capacity to intervene in scientific and professional community, particularly by organizing events, being (co-)editor of magazines, participation in the assessment of projects and articles, being invited to give speeches, as well as participation in academic juries and consulting activities and the recognition obtained through the awarding of prizes or other distinctions and their impact.

Constitution of research teams and orientation of academic work of post-graduation students.

Criteria for evaluation of Pedagogical Capacity.

Coordination of pedagogic projects. Conception, development and direction of study programs or curricular units, proven by the institutions where the pedagogical activity took place.

Teaching activity. Total number of teaching hours and quality of teaching activity performed by the applicant, proven by the institutions where the pedagogical activity took place, using, whenever possible, objective methods based on extensive collections of opinion (educational surveys).

Orientation of students in final stage work or internships for post-secondary courses, higher vocational technical courses or degree courses.

Criteria for evaluation of the Other Relevant Activities

Training activities shall be considered and or professional activity (courses, workshops, seminars), the participation in scientific, pedagogical or institutional management activities and the participation in outreach activities, transfer of knowledge or technology, contributing to the mission of the university.

Analysis of the technical-scientific and professional report, educational and other activities considered relevant to the mission of higher education institutions.

Criteria for evaluation of the scientific-pedagogical project strand

Analysis of scientific-pedagogical project: Consider the clarity and quality of the exhibition, the actuality of the content and other complementary elements considered, with special attention to the potential contribution to the educational and scientific development of the area to which is opened the competition.

The weight of each aspect and criteria are indicated in the Portuguese version of this notice at the end of the call.

6 — Assessment and selection:

After the admission of the application to the Competition, the jury will begin the processes of analysis of the applications, taking into account the items and criteria set out in this notice.

In the first meeting, which may take place by teleconference as decided by the jury president and after examination and admission of applications, the jury begins to decide which applicants pass to the next phase on absolute merit. To this purpose, each member of the jury proposes, which applications do not meet the requirements at both a scientific and pedagogic level as established by the Notice for the present Competition.

After all jury members have submitted their proposals to the President of the jury, the jury votes on each application, for which rejection is proposed, and no abstentions are allowed; an application is rejected on absolute merit if obtains a majority of votes favourable to the rejection among the members of the jury present at the meeting. Each application will be voted only once. Other proposals, which eliminate the same application will not be voted on. The final decision on each proposal, as well as the number of votes collected by each of them, and their bases, are an integral part of the minutes.

In the case of an application not receiving absolute merit approval, the jury proceeds to holding a hearing the excluded applicants, who may contest within 10 days.

The jury then assesses those candidates approved according to absolute merit, considering the criteria and parameters of assessment as well as the ranking factors in this notice.

Each member of the jury applies a value, on the scale of 0-100, for each criteria or aspects regarding each applicant.

The final result is expressed on a numerical scale of 0-100 and it is calculated by weighing each criteria with the corresponding weight which provides a score to each aspect. Each aspect score has its own weight which is used to calculate the final score.

7 — Voting methodology and ordering:

The ordering of candidates should be founded on the assessment made based on strands and criteria of assessment and corresponding weighing factors listed in this notice.

Before voting, each member of the jury presents a written document, that will be attached to the minutes of the meeting, with the order of the applicants, duly founded, taking into consideration the previous paragraph.

On the various votes, each jury member should respect the order presented, no abstentions allowed.

The jury will use the following voting method in order to obtain an absolute majority in the final ranking of candidates:

The first vote is intended to determine the applicant to be put in first place. If an applicant receives more than half the votes of the members of the jury present at the meeting he(she) will be placed in first place. If the applicant in first place is not determined, the voting will be repeated, but only among the candidates who received votes to be considered for first place after removal of the applicant least voted in the first round. If there is more than one applicant in the position of least voted there will be another vote with only these applicants in order to determine who is to be eliminated. For this vote, the jury members vote for the applicant who has the lowest ranking, the applicant with the most votes is eliminated. If at this point there continues to be a tie among two or more applicants, the president of the jury will decide which of them is to be eliminated. Once this elimination is made, the jury returns to the first vote, but only with the remaining candidates. The process is repeated until one applicant receives more than half the votes for first place. The process is repeated for second place and so on until an ordered list of all candidates is complete.

8 — Participation of interested parties and the decision:

The applicants are notified of the final ranking in order to start the hearings of the interested parties conducted under the terms of the Administrative Procedure Code, applying the adaptations outlined in article 25 of the Regulation.

Once the interested parties have had their hearings, the jury assesses their allegations and approves the final ranking of the applicants.

9.1 — Notwithstanding the following paragraph, the deadline for delivering the jury's final decision cannot surpass ninety consecutive days, starting from the deadline for submission of applications.

9.2 — The deadline mentioned in the previous subsection may be extended when there is a high number of applicants and or when the particular complexity of the Competition justifies it.

10 — The teacher will be hired for an indefinite period with an experimental period of five years to carry out the functions described in the letter of mission and inherent in the category of Adjunct Professor.

11 — The present competition is exclusively destined to fill the position indicated and can be finished until the homologation of the final ranking list of candidates and expiring with the respective occupation of the job on offer.

12 — Publication of Competition notice

In addition to being published in Series 2 of the Diário da República the present notice is also published in:

The public employment pool;

The website of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., in Portuguese and English;

The website of the University of Aveiro, in Portuguese and English;

In a national newspaper.

13 — In compliance with paragraph h) of Article 9 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the Government, as the employing entity, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities between men and women in access to employment and professional advancement, scrupulously taking measures to avoid any form of discrimination.


Salário Nominal: A acordar

Função de trabalho:


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