Office of the Vice-Rector of Cooperation
Organisation/Company: Universidade de Aveiro
Department: Office of the Vice-Rector of Cooperation
Research Field: Computer science » Informatics
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1)
Positions: Master Positions
Country: Portugal
Application Deadline: 25 Nov 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
Type of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme? NextGenerationEU
Reference Number: 155/2024/BI/AgendasPRR
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No
Offer Description A call for application is now open for the attribution of 2 (two) Research Fellowships with reference 155/2024/BI/AgendasPRR, for development of scientific and technological research activities, under the scheme «Agendas Mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial», namely "NEXUS - Pacto de Inovação – Transição Verde e Digital para Transportes, Logística e Mobilidade" project, at the Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA) Research Unit, at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, with the following conditions:
1. Scientific Area: Robotics and Intelligent Systems and similar areas.
2. Funding entity: funded by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan and by the NextGenerationEU, through the scheme «Agendas para a Inovação Empresarial».
3. Admission Requirements: candidates must be students enrolled in a Doctoral programme or Master enrolled in a non-awarding degree course at the University of Aveiro, in the Informatics scientific field. The candidates must also present the following obligatory requirements: Have experience in areas relevant to the project.
The proof of enrolment must be made until the contract signing date, and the candidate may attach a declaration of honor to confirm that they meet the admission requirements.
If the qualification has been conferred by a foreign higher education institution it must be recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution, under the terms of the provisions of article 25 of Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16th.
4. Eligibility: candidates who comply with provisions of paragraph a) nº1 from article 2 of the Statute of the Research Fellow are eligible, as amended by Decree-Law nº 123/2019, of 28 of August, and also the provisions of article nº 9 of the Scientific Research Grant Regulations of the University of Aveiro.
5. Work Plan:
Survey of the state of the art regarding the use of computer vision to analyse port logistics scenarios; Development of software components for proofs of concept of the following computer vision applications: identification of damage to maritime containers; automatic recognition of container codes; digital identification of general cargo; detection of seals; environmental analysis of elements and behaviour in port logistics areas.
6. Legislation and regulations: the fellowship assignment will be done according to the Statute of the Scientific Research Fellow, published in Decree-Law nº 123/2019, of 28 of August; Scientific Research Grant Regulation of the University of Aveiro, Regulation No. 292/2020.
7. Place of work: the work will take place at IEETA of the University of Aveiro, under the scientific supervision of Professor António José Ribeiro Neves.
8. Duration of the grant(s): the research fellowship will last for 12 (twelve) months, with an expected starting date on January 1st, 2024. The fellowship may be renewed up to the maximum limit of approved funding, during the project implementation period.
9. Monthly allowance: The monthly allowance is €1259,64. In the case the candidate is enrolled in a doctoral programme, he/she will receive an additional monthly supplement up to €229,20. The payment will be made by bank transfer. The candidate may also be reimbursed for the amount corresponding to the Voluntary Social Security, in case of adherence.
10. Selection method: the selection methods to be used include Curricular Evaluation. The sub criteria to be assessed under Curricular Evaluation are:
R&D experience in the scientific area of the call (50%);
Average of the last academic degree obtained (30%);
Participation in scientific research projects (20%);
The jury reserves the right to not assign the Research fellowship if no candidates reach the minimum score of 10 points.
11. Period for submission of applications: the call is open between November 12th, 2024 and November 25th, 2024. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to ****** with identification of the reference number in the email subject.
Applications should include the following mandatory documents: certificate(s) of qualifications, curriculum vitae, declaration of honor, application form, motivation letter, supporting documents considered relevant.
Failure to comply with the deadline for submission of the application, as well as the incorrect formalization of the application, result in the exclusion of the application.
12. Publication/notification of results: the results of the evaluation will be published within 60 working days after the final date of submission of the application, whereas the candidates will be notified by email.
13. Research fellowship duration: The final ranking list of candidates will be valid for 12 months for the purpose of constituting a reserve list for selection.
University of Aveiro, November 11th, 2024